Saturday, November 17, 2012

Why on earth do we continue to vote on ballot measures?

     The library, schools, police, fire, water, all want an increase on our taxes so they can provide us with better/more service.  Granted,  they need more money.  But here is the catch.

     In Portland they can't even distribute the cell phones in a efficient manner.  Thousands of dollars wasted on sloppy administration of our tax dollars.  Can't anyone in government decide on a program without wasting our money?  ANYONE.

Here is another good one.

     The Fed's step in and tell Portland that they are using too much force in their police duties.  After further review,  Portland somewhat agrees.  Here it gets interesting,  Portland decides to spend $2 to $5 million dollars to comply with the Feds and create 32 jobs to spend the money.  Me thinks there is a skunk in the solution.  Something just does not smell right.  What do you bet we will never find out?  Think BIG BROTHER and AUDIT on this one and maybe we will.


Saturday, November 10, 2012

A Rant:

     Once more the government has stepped in it.  They build a security system for the nations nuclear bomb lab at a $213 million dollars, take seven years to accomplish this, and then find out they need $20 million dollars more to achieve their goal.  BUT WAIT FOR IT---they really need $41 million dollars after further review.   That's more then double then what they asked for last week!

     That's our taxpayer money being wasted on incompetent and sloppy oversight of budget.  What part of AUDIT don't they understand.  There is no excuse for this.  I demand accountability of my taxes and I want an audit of this fiasco now.  You know how to reach me so comply if you dare.
