Wednesday, September 26, 2012

I have an idea:

I want to start a process that addresses some of the needs of our society.  I will start with asking the wealthy to donate to me the money they deem appropriate to accomplish my goal.  The money will be anonymous so that I will not have any reason to be prejudiced.  I will do my job free of obligation and with no salary.  I will open no office, start no corporation or apply the usual methods of starting a new process.   My plan will be totally open to the public for their scrutiny, for the money will be deposited into a bank account that will be available on line and every penny spent will be documented.  I will not be available to the public for recognition nor is it necessary.   

Some of my goals:
1.  Identify the goals of neighborhood associations in local areas and implement the ideas that best addresses their needs.  The decisions of course will be theirs.  The only requirement  will be they will have to use local labor, products, supplies, and document every penny spent.  The projects selected will  be open to public scrutiny and will be on line for everyone to judge.

2.  Open up classes in the training of any work related issues that need to be addressed.  This would include construction, computer, office, medical, law, any need that would require local labor and supplies.  The classes would probably be taught at local colleges.  The work classes includes on the job training and local involvement in the teaching of classes.

Any takers?
